Different kinds of therapists

One thing that people often find confusing about mental healthcare is the variety of different degrees and licenses that psychotherapists have.

For greater detail, check out the Field Guide to Psychotherapists.


EVERY licensed psychotherapist in private practice:

  1. Has earned an advanced professional degree in a mental health treatment
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  1. Has practiced for an extended period of under the direct supervision and guidance of a senior licensed mental health professional
  1. Has passed state-mandated professional board qualifying exams verifying comprehensive knowledge of mental health assessment, diagnosis, and treatment
  1. Is engaged in ongoing continuing education to hone or expand professional skills and keep abreast of advances in knowledge and treatment


  1. Prescribing medication
Among mental health professionals, only psychiatrists and mental health nurse practitioners can write prescriptions.It is increasingly common for psychiatrists to focus on providing medicinal care and for their patients to see a different mental health professional for psychotherapy.General practice doctors and APRNs may also prescribe psychiatric medications for their patients.
  1. Specialization
Many mental health professionals specialize in different forms of psychotherapy and/or in the treatment of specific mental health or relational problems.Unfortunately, a mental health professional’s degree is no reliable guide to their specialty or to their favored approaches to therapy.While a few broad distinctions in training are noted below in the Field Guide, the best way to find out about a therapist’s approach and expertise is to ask.